Saturday, May 11, 2019

Individual project involving the evaluation of a website Essay

Individual project involving the evaluation of a meshworksite - Essay voicey finding of the evaluation. In the first part of the report, I have explained an e-Commerce enabled website named Grainger having the URL (http//, the main features of the website public figure or user interface of the website, the pros and cons of the Grainger business, the technical features of the website, an evaluation of the website design to assess its effectiveness, usability, security, accessibility and the report includes some(prenominal) suggestions and recomm barations for improvement of the website. Moreover, the second part explains the transaction process of the e-commerce from customers initiation till mop up of the operation. 1.1 Website Grainger was founded in 1927 by William W. (Bill) Grainger started business as a wholesale electric motor sales and scattering business in Chicago, United States. In June 1995, the Grainger launched its transactional website to do busi ness online. The Grainger is serving two (2) million of e-customers, businesses and institutions in 157 countries and continuing to give their best for their customers. The Grainger has more than 21,446 employees in different countries, the employees work closely with customers to better interpret their challenges and provide cost-saving solutions (Grainger, 2012). It is required to review and explain the technical education on the web development environment on the website. In localize to do so, one of the ways is to access the source code of the web pages of the website, after reviewing the source code, it was noticed that the interface of the website has been developed in HTML 4.01, menus and cookies are developed in JavaScript, validation of forms in JavaScript, moreover, it appears that the iframe is used in certain parts of the website to avoid re commitment, hence, saving page loading time. As you type the it always converts into http// / -Grainger/wwg/start.shypertext markup language, the extension of the home page file is shtml instead of html or htm, it means that the file contains some information that would be added during execution by the server in the beginning it is sent to the user (Rouse, 2005). 1.2 Purpose of the Website The aim of the website is to cater online orders and improving customer as well as vendor services. The website maintains details of the customers personal as well as payment information, order processing, and the addition of new customer, updating and adding new products through a content management system. All the information has to be stored in a database that can be a relational database management system on the server side. There has to be a front end (also known as Buy Module) and a back end (database module) of the website. The initial module is used for the interaction of the e-customers to search the products and place orders, whereas, the back end is used not only to store / sa ve the data of the customer but also employ to process

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