Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Management and Work Culture Essay Example for Free

Management and Work Culture Essay Instrumental to conduct SWOT analysis, and 3. Plan and build strategy based on the work culture How to develop strategic and operational plans by knowing work culture It is integral part of any individual, and organization. It describes shared value of an organization. It helps anyone to understand how things are done. Here is my cultural preferences: well resourced, ethical, and teamwork centered. Knowing my ideal work culture, I can do better planning and formulate the strategies for an organization. My cultural preferences Necessary resources to do high standard work. Using advantages of available resources, one can do better job of delivering projects with high quality standards. Active promotion of equal rights and justice for all. It will create a culture to grow with the company attitude. Fairness among the employees and employer makes everyone trust each other and the employer. Emphasis on social and environmental responsibility. In this culture, work and life balance here. Social and environmental responsibility culture will help employees more committed to the employer. Because organization is not just focusing on profit itself but also understand human values and help communities around them. Interdependence. Culture of interdependence makes everyone connected, and emphasis the important of collaboration between them. It results toward high level of performance, innovation, and productivity. Friendly and supportive colleagues. Friendliness and supports among colleagues is highly important for employees to challenge themselves, confront each other, and share the knowledge between them. Essential Competencies to Conducting (SWOT) analysis Strategizing competency is one of the most essential to do SWOT analysis. Steps to conduct SWOT analysis: 1. Identify mission statement and goals, 2. Review of internal strength and weaknesses, and 3. To find external opportunities and threats that affect the business or an organization. How my competencies relate to the essential competencies for conducting a SWOT analysis Based on competencies and career interests profiler, my strength are 1.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Malebranches Occasionalism: The Philosophy in the Garden of Eden Essay

Malebranche's Occasionalism: The Philosophy in the Garden of Eden ABSTRACT: According to Malebranche, Adam should be considered as an occasionalist philosopher. Not only did philosophy originate in paradise, but it in fact originated as Malebranchian occasionalism. It was in order to be able to persist in his occasionalist belief that Adam was given exceptional power over his body, that is, the power to detach the principal part of his brain (i.e., the seat of the soul) from the rest of the body. It was only in continually detaching the principal part of his brain from the rest of the body that Adam was able to persist in his occasionalist belief despite the unmistakable testimony of his sense to the contrary. Having once sinned, he thereupon lost his psychophysical privilege. Whereas pre-lapsarian physiology made Adam's belief in the causal efficacy of God possible, post-lapsarian physiology, in contrast, necessarily engenders and sustains belief in the causal efficacy of bodies. It was only as a result of the post-lapsarian physiology that some o f the central problems of early modern philosophy arose. Contingent upon Adam's psychophysical privilege, occasionalism was possible only in paradise. Malebranche observes that, before the Fall, Adam knew that "only God was capable of acting on him." (1) Knowing "more distinctly than the greatest philosopher ever" (2) that God was the only true cause, the first man should thus be considered as an occasionalist philosopher par excellence. Not only, then, did philosophy originate in Paradise, but it in fact originated as Malebranchian occasionalism. However, whereas Adam knew through the light of reason that God was acting upon him, "he did not sense it." (3) What he sensed was, ... ...e puissance qu'ils /sc. les sens/ ont de tyranniser des pecheurs" (OC 1:75) is somewhat imprecisely rendered by Lennon and Olscamp as "their power of victimizing sinners"; see The Search after Truth, 22. (9) Dialogues on Metaphysics, 217. (10) See Conversations chretiennes, in OC 4:40. (11) Dialogues on Metaphysics, 194. (12) Elucidations of the Search after Truth, 581. (13) Dialogues on Metaphysics, 218. (14) Ibid., 217. (15) Conversations chretiennes, in OC 4:98. (16) See ibid., 98-99. (17) Ibid., 99. (18) Dialogues on Metaphysics, 237. (19) Conversations chretiennes, in OC 4:99. (20) The Search after Truth, 123. (21) Conversations chretiennes, in OC 4:99. (22) See ibid., 99-100; see also The Search after Truth, 123. (23) See Meditations chretiennes et metaphysiques, in OC 10:113; see also Dialogues on Metaphysics, 193.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Reflection of a public health nurse

Development of   handwashing program in schools has been a challenge to the medical team   especially among   public health nurses. Many questions could   be raised before this program   be   implemented. As public health nurse, what can I contribute in the handwashing   program in school? Is my knowledge sufficient enough to initiate a program that could be of great help to everybody especially to children? What are the informations and   materials   do I need to gather to help me with this handwashing program?As public health nurse, I am one of the witnesses of the proper and improper ways of   Ã‚  hand sanitation among children. It is very important that this practice is initiated in schools among students. The importance of handwashing should be instilled in the minds of the students. They should be informed of what may be the possible diseases   or illnesses that can be acquired without handwashing. They should   practice on how and when to wash their han ds.Handwashing   Ã‚  remains the most cost effective way of disease spread prevention   such as colds, flu,   infectious diarrhea and even hepatitis A (Quan, 2006).   Since elementary school children are the most susceptible of acquiring the infection through   unwashed hands, Morton (2004) conducted a study   that determines the effectivity of   an alcohol gel as an adjunct to handwashing. This study resulted in reducing absenteeism secondary to infectious   illness.Campaign on hand hygiene through handwashing can be more effective  Ã‚   if there are materials that could remind every school child about   it. As public health nurse, we can conduct a program that needs parents and children’s participation. The program will showcase the importance and proper ways of handwashing.   Parents and school teachers will be given guidelines on how school children would be reminded of practicing handwashing.Based on the transtheoretical model, there are three prima ry components of changes to undergo to attain the goal of the program (Prochaska, DiClemente, & Norcross, 1992).   According to the model, the people must pass through the stages of changes. At first, it is important to recognize the problem. In handwashing program in school, it is very important to impart to the   children even to the teachers and parents   that   their behavior towards the program is very crucial in the attainment of its objectives.They must bear in mind that this program will help them in prevention of acquiring disease.   After this stage, they should be ready for some changes in their individual habits especially when it comes to handwashing. Since children may not be ready for any changes in handwashing habit, it is very helpful for them if they could see or read some informations regarding the program.Placing some notes or posters of reminders on the board   Ã‚  or walls   in school would be advisable. Make   them reader- friendly. Making it c olorful, with graphics and pictures would surely attract their attention. They should be reminded to wash their hands when they are dirty, before and after eating and   Ã‚  after using the bathroom. Children should be encouraged to use tissue paper when blowing and wiping their nose. Even after playing with domestic animals such as cats and dogs. It is also   important   to wash their hands before and after playing with their friends (Quan, 2006).In this part, changes are made in individuals’ behaviour   Ã‚  and   practices toward   handwashing. Action of the teachers and parents   Ã‚  would   Ã‚  play a big role. It   Ã‚  is advisable to make the environment suitable for the children just like making the sink at their level of reach. Most of the children are not fond of washing their hands after the activity because the sink is too high for them. Soap and towel should also be present.   Finally, it should be borne in mind the integration of the  Ã‚   ch anges made.As public health nurses,   we should be ready to attend to the needs of   the people especially when it concerns with the implementation of health policy. It would be easier if the people   are concerned enough to the welfare of   one another. Program like this, handwashing in school is just the beginning of   a more   serious way towards healthy life. The most important thing is that  Ã‚   there are individuals who are willing to lend their hands to help for the betterment of   everybody. I think this is just one of the most important roles the public health nurses play.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Jasper Jones Moral Speech Essay - 610 Words

Craig Silvey engages us with Jasper Jones in order to convey a certain moral message in hope to make us stop and think. No one in this novel is truly accepted into the community, which tells me as the responder, that in order for this society to succeed differences need to be tossed aside. Jasper Jones is a credible recollection of the injustice, racism and social exclusion that exists in the Australian society. It also tackles growing up, first love, family unity, and a sense of belonging in a community. It is not hard for me to forget that this novel is set in 1965, in a rural town known as Corrigan. It is very similar to the one Silvey grew up in, although he denies writing the book purely on his personal experience, wanting to†¦show more content†¦Jeffrey is regularly abused although he seems to accept this and overlooks it. In light of these issues, historical references are used throughout to remind us of the characters significance to multicultural Australia. In chapter three, Charlie is found in the library reading about past crimes and interviews with murderers such as Eric Edgar Cooke. He feels empathy towards the victims, and anger towards the people who let the torture go on, never speaking up. This is what has been going on in Corrigan, and these historical references help us to feel the same emotions as Charlie does, as well as the novel being in first person. Another way of getting this message across, are the allusions used quite frequently in Jasper Jones, including directly naming To Kill a Mockingbird. In fact, many reviewers have coined it as an Australian To Kill a Mockingbird. It is essentially a book about books. The author allows the reader to understand this difficult concept by relating it to an already familiar story. The moral message apparent in this coming-of-age novel questions each of the teenage boys, who in various ways show us what its like to grow up in rural Australia if you are smart or poor or of a different race. This moral message makes me question the past of the Australia I have came toShow MoreRelatedAlan Silvey s Jasper Jones 1216 Words   |  5 PagesCraig Silvey’s, â€Å"Jasper Jones† novel which explores the concept of change and the understanding of how our search for who we are is clouded by our perceptions and attitudes. 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